The logo for the harvest community church is a wheat ear.

Previous Bulletins

July, 2024

July 14, 2024

Scripture: Acts 16:16-21

Today we continue in our series through the book of Acts. Having seen a woman of the Light last week in the personhood of Lydia, this morning we see a woman of darkness in the person of the demon-possessed servant girl. This demon-possessed girl is following Paul, declaring the truth of the Christian gospel. Why would a demon do that, and why would that trouble Paul so? For the same reasons demons still do it and why it should trouble us as well.


July 7, 2024

Scripture: Acts 16:11-15

Today we continue in our look at the book of Acts and the second missionary journey of the Apostle Paul. This morning we find him and his traveling companions in what is now modern Greece, as he begins his ministry in a brand new continent-faithful to the commissioning of Jesus to take the gospel “to the ends of the earth.” Just outside the Roman colony of Philippi, he meets a special lady named Lydia, whose conversion experience lays out some truth that is true of every conversion to Christianity since it’s birth. Find yourself in her story this morning.


June, 2024

June 30, 2024

Scripture: Acts 16:11-15

As we continue our journey through the book of Acts, we come to a monumental point in the ministry of Paul and preaching the gospel to the ends of the earth. God gets His servant where he wanted him, without any help from Paul. The path was a crooked one, as the path God has us on often is as well. Question: can we trust God when the directions and destinations we have planned for ourselves is overrun by the directions and destinations God has for us? Sometimes the only two options before us are frustration and trust. Choose one.


June 23, 2024

Scripture: Psalm 118:1

This morning Mr. Grant Russell will be sharing with us a message from God’s Word. A few years ago, there was a popular call to worship where the leader would say “God is Good!” and the congregation would say in response “All the Time!” And the leader would continue, “All the Time,” with the congregation responding “God is Good!” Whereas the utterances are true, where do we land when it doesn’t feel true? When God doesn’t seem to be good?


June 16, 2024

Scripture: Acts 15:36-16:5

As Paul is about to leave on his second missionary journey, two surprising things take place that at first glance don’t seem related at all: Paul and Barnabas part ways and Paul circumcises his young protégé, Timothy. This second action is especially strange in the  context of the previous chapter, where the Jerusalem Council decided that circumcision was not necessary for a child of God. What are you up to Paul? 


June 9, 2024

Scripture: Acts 15:12-29

As we continue in our series on the book of Acts, we are reminded of the wonderful inclusion of Gentile believers into the Christian church. But what we see as wonderful today, wasn’t so for many of the Jewish believers. As the Jewish Christians are reminded again that salvation is by grace alone through faith alone, the Gentile Christians are told to be gracious, as they have been graced.



June 2, 2024

Scripture: Acts 15:1-11

Paul and Barnabas are back from their missionary trip, excitingly sharing how they saw God at work. Imagine the celebration of the Antioch church, when Jewish Christians from Jerusalem show up with the claim that God’s grace is not enough to bring salvation. It is the oldest heresy still found in the church today, some 2000 years later. This morning, we will take our first of two looks at the Jerusalem Council, formed to address this conflict.


May, 2024

May 26, 2024

Scripture: Acts 14:21-28

This morning as we continue with Paul and Barnabas on Paul’s first missionary journey, we travel with them back to the home base of the church of Antioch, Syria. They would have gotten home sooner but they take the long way home for specific reasons. Those reasons were key to the development of the early church and are still key to the development and life of the church today.


May 19, 2024

Scripture: Acts 14:1-21

As we continue in our series in the book of Acts, we find Paul and Barnabas having to assure the people around them that they were not gods, “only men, human like you.” Yet these “only men”, human like you and me, were empowered by the one true God to represent Him on earth to those who do not yet know Him. On this Pentecost Sunday we are reminded of the presence of God in us by virtue of the Holy Spirit. The “God With Us’ of Christmas has also become the “God In Us” of Pentecost.


May 12, 2024

Scripture: Acts 13: 42-52

As we continue in our study of the book of Acts, we see in action what Jesus had said while on earth: “Do not suppose I have come
to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a  sword.” The gospel message divides as readily as it unites. We
see both responses in the section of Acts we are looking at this  morning.


May 5, 2024

Scripture: Acts 13: 13-52

As we continue in our series on the book of Acts, we come to the first sermon of the Apostle Paul recorded in scripture. It is masterful in both content and outline, giving us insight into his ongoing outreach to his Jewish countrymen. In a day and age when so much “preaching” is nothing more than someone’s own opinion or a reflection on cultural mores, it is good to be reminded as to what preaching is meant to look like


April, 2024

April 28, 2024

Scripture: Acts 13: 4-12

As Saul and Barnabas are called and sent out by God into the world with the good news of Jesus Christ, several things happen which, as it turns out will be repeated time and time again. One of these occurrences is the instant opposition Saul experiences as an ambassador of Christ, from a man who is ambassador of Satan on earth. Be assured, any time you are active in serving as an ambassador of our Lord, and an emissary of the enemy isn’t far away.


April 21, 2024

Scripture: Acts 13: 1-4

As we continue in our series on the book of Acts, we come to the place where the “official” ministry of the apostle Paul begins. It marks a major shift in both the book and the history of the early  church, as the gospel is going out to the ends of the earth. This morning we are focusing on Paul and Barnabas being both called and sent by God, and the necessity of the church recognizing both the calling and the sending.


April 14, 2024

Scripture: Acts 12:11-18

As we continue in the book of Acts, we find Peter, newly escaped prisoner, knocking on the door of prayer warriors who are surprised their prayer has been answered in such a wonderful way. That’s not the only surprise in the story. Perhaps the bigger surprise is why Peter takes the time to search these folks out before going into hiding to let things cool off a bit. In the midst of all the “humanness” found in this story we discover timeless principles of church body life. 


April 7, 2024

Scripture: Acts 12:5–17

This morning we go back to our series in the book of Acts. Before us is that remarkable story of God’s delivering of Peter from certain death, while the church is involved in continual and earnest prayer. The question for us today is what is our spiritual reflex? When something wonderful or troubling is present, what is our automatic go-to response?


March, 2024

March 31, 2024 (Easter)

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:20-27, 42-54

He is risen! He is risen indeed! Welcome to Harvest Community Church. This morning we remember and celebrate what lies at the center of the Christian faith: the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. As the apostle Paul stated it so clearly: “If Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith. And if Christ has not been raised from the dead, you are still in your sins.

If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men” (I Corinthians 15: 14,17, 19).


March 24, 2024

Scripture: Galatians 3:10–14

This morning we take a break from our series in the book of Acts to focus on one element of the atoning work of Jesus Christ on the cross. This morning, and then again at the Good Friday Service we will be looking at how Jesus frees us from the curse of God by becoming a curse for us. What does it mean to be under God’s curse and how did the work of Jesus free us from that curse and bring upon us instead the blessing of God?


March 17, 2024

Scripture: 1 Kings 18:36–46

This morning, we welcome to bring us the Word of God, Pastor Duane Nieuwsma. Pastor Nieuwsma is a retired Christian Reformed Pastor who stays active in the church through various means. He recently finished a stint at Restoration Christian Reformed Church in Middleville while their pastor was on sabbatical.


March 10, 2024

Scripture: 1 Samuel 17:1–50

This morning, we welcome to bring God’s message to us Mr. Caleb Horjus. Caleb is currently studying at Calvin Theological Seminary and serving as the Director of Youth at Caledonia Christian Reformed Church. Pastor Ben and Karilynn are spending some time with daughter Sara and family in Cairo, Egypt.


March 3, 2024

Scripture: Acts 13:18-25

This morning, we continue our look at the history of the early church as it is found in the book of Acts. Today we will finish our look at a particular King Herod and his attempt to put an end to the Christian Church. He serves as an example of the folly of fighting against God, whose might cannot be contested, whose punishment cannot be avoided, and whose purposes cannot be foiled. We serve a wonderful and mighty God!


a field of wheat is growing in the wind on a white background.
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